The Finnish version of The Moonday Letters has spawned a number of interviews, in which Emmi talks about the creative process of the book, its themes, science fiction and speculative fiction in general, space cats, climate change, and many other fascinating things. These interviews are naturally in Finnish.
On Saturday September 12th Anna Tulusto interviewed Emmi for YLE’s “Aamun kirja”. The segment can be watched at Areena.
From Sunday September 13th onwards you can listen to the radio program “Luomiskertomus”, also hosted by Anna Tulusto. It too can be found in the Areena archives.
In the latest episode of “Pieni karanteenikirjakerho” host Taru Torikka and Emmi delve a little deeper into the world of The Moonday Letters. The podcast can be found both at Patreon as well as SoundCloud.